Volunteer Information



RVLA Volunteering Policy


Volunteers are the backbone of our association.  It takes well over 1000 hours of volunteered time every year to make the season happen and allow the kids to enjoy the sport we love.

To ensure that all these volunteer hours are fulfilled, RVLA requires each family to volunteer at both a team and association level.

Team Volunteering

 For U9 and above, all families must volunteer for team duties.

**U7 Teams still need coaches and managers, but the other team duties do not apply**

There are many ways to fulfill your family’s team volunteering expectations including:

  • Coaching - Head Coach or Assistant Coach, Trainer (must have applicable coaching certification)
  • Team Manager
  • Jersey Parent
  • Fundraising Officer (when this position is warranted by team needs) - This is designed to assist manager if the team has planned multiple fundraising initiatives.
  • Scorekeeping Volunteer - Assist in the timekeeping box as scheduled by the team manager (duties include Scorekeeping, Timekeeping, Shot Clock, Penalty Box Doors). A minimum of 6 games or, if not enough games available for this amount, the amount scheduled by the team manager distributed evenly among available team parents.


Association Volunteering


In addition to volunteer requirements for the player’s team, members of all age groups (U7-U17) will also need to volunteer for 4 hours each year assisting the Association in its operational needs.  This minimum requirement ensures that we have the assistance we need to facilitate all the activities of the Association.

There are several opportunities available to fulfill these hours, including, but not limited to:

  • Evaluations Helper (assist with checking in the players)
  • Try It Days
  • RageDays
  • David Fehr Tournament
  • Roughnecks 50/50 seller
  • Other Various Fundraising Initiatives (when applicable)

 Association hours required will be increased when RVLA acts as a host club for the annual Canada Day Tournament. This is an important fundraising opportunity for the association. The number of hours required will be determined and announced prior to the beginning of our host seasons.

To find an opportunity to volunteer, watch association emails, social media posts or contact the registrar. When registering your player, if you are choosing to volunteer, there is a selection of various opportunities to choose from. Please indicate on your player’s registration which one(s) you are interested in by checking the appropriate box(es).


Families with multiple children


For families with multiple children actively participating during the season, RVLA recognizes that it can be difficult to find extra time to volunteer for Association Level activities.  For this reason, instead of needing to meet the volunteer hour requirement for each child, the Association volunteer hours for families with multiple children will be maxed at 1.5 times the annual requirement of one child.  Team requirements are not reduced for families with multiple children.


Volunteer Opt-Out Fee/Non-Compliance Fee


When a family does not meet their volunteer requirements, they will be assessed a “Volunteer Opt-Out Fee” known as “Volunteer Non-Compliance Fee” as it means you did not comply with the volunteer expectations set out when you agreed to volunteer.

Families who know they will not be able to complete their volunteer hours can opt out of volunteering requirements by paying this fee during registration.  There is a separate fee applicable for team and association volunteer requirements.  Families may choose to opt out of one or both requirements.

Opt-Out Fee for Team Level Duties: $250 

Teams that have members who have paid this fee may apply to the association to receive $50 per opted out member to a maximum of $200 towards team fundraising initiatives.

Opt-Out Fee for Association Level Duties:  $150

Available Volunteering:

Head Coach 
Run the team in practices and at the games. Responsible for team and player development. Appropriate NCCP Coaching Certification (Trained) must be met by end of the season. Click Here for Clinics, they will need to also have a Police VS Check.

Assistant Coach
Assist the Head coach at practices. On the Bench during games (gates). Appropriate NCCP Coaching Certification (Trained) must be met by end of the season. Click Here for Clinics, they will need to also have a Police VS Check.

Team Managers
This individual will work with the coaches and other parents to oversee the administration of the team. The purpose of this role is to ensure the smooth operation of the team and allow the coaches to concentrate on the lacrosse activities.

Opening up team bank account. Responsible for collecting, disbursing and accounting for team funds and completing a tracking form. Closing down account at end of season.

Jersey Parent
Jersey Parents are responsible for delivering and distributing jerseys before each game. Jersey parents also need to collect the jerseys following each game. Jerseys need to be washed on a regular basis. Jersey parents need to make other arrangements for the jerseys if they cannot make a game.

Team Jobs:  any or all of the following depending on division:

Scorekeeper (min. 6 games)
Timekeeper (min. 6 games)
Shot Clock (min. 6 games)

Evaluation Assistants
Helping with checking in of players. collecting waivers, payment and distributing/organizing pinnies. We try to assign you while you are there for your own child, however this is not always possible. No actual evaluation is necessary.

50/50 Roughnecks Seller
One 5-hour session to sell 50/50 tickets at the Calgary Roughneck game we are assigned. Information will be e-mailed to volunteers prior to date regarding duties etc.

Canada Day Volunteer --**When applicable**  

Helping sell 50/50, clothing table, check in, security, etc.  Committing to min. 2 shifts at the tournament being held in June/July.


Board Member 

Board members are voted in at the yearly AGM in October.  Members of the Board in a capacity as President, Vice-President, Treasurer, Coaching Director, Evaluation Director, Division Coordinators, Discipline Director, or any other Director position voting or non-voting. Positions are voted in at the annual AGM.  Meeting attendance as laid out in the Rockyview bylaws must be met to obtain your points. See Descriptions below.



Supervises the affairs of the Club and the Executive Committee.
Chairs all meetings of the Club including those of the executive committee.
Speaks on behalf of the Club unless otherwise designated.
Represents the Club at all meetings of CDLA and ALA.
Has expenditure office authority.
Carries out other duties as assigned by the Club.
Is a voting member.
Term: First term two (2) years, following term one (1) year.

Vice President

Chairs meeting in the absence of the President.
Represents the President at various functions when asked to do so by the President.
Responsible for ensuring all appropriate documentation regarding coaching is received and maintained on file.
Be the lead contact for the division directors, Director of Evaluations and process Reports to the President
Carries out duties assigned by the Executive Committee.
Is a voting member.
Term: First term two (2) years, following term one (1) year. 

Director of Coaching

Organize all coaches for each age division
Deal with all Coaching preference requests
Provide guidance to all coaching for strategies and Rockyview Minor Lax Policies
Deal with any complaints about coaches
Ensure the correct level of certification has been gained, provide information relating to certification
Create and maintain Rockyview Lacrosse Coaching Manuals
Run internal coaching mentorships and Goalie Clinics
Attend practices when requested
Carries out other duties as assigned by the Executive Committee.
Reports to the President.
Is a voting member.
Term: First term two (2) years, following term one (1) year.

Director of Discipline

Liaison between Rockyview and CDLA
Sits on the Discipline Committee of the CDLA regarding any disciplinary issues throughout the season
Attends Rockyview board meetings where necessary.
Is a voting member
Term: First term two (2) years, following term one (1) year.

Director of Fundraising/Promotions 

Oversees fund raising activities.
Responsible for the purchase and distribution of promotional items.
Is the key contact for sponsors interesting in supporting the Club.
Apparel - finding vendors, point of contact for ordering and distribute orders
Fun Day - point of contact for vendors wanting to attend Fun Day
Buying all supplies for Fun Day (hot dogs, buns, juice, supplies)
setting up apparel table
working with photographer and distributing pictures after Fun Day”
Advertising - help with advertising (radio, magnetic signs, etc)
Carries out other duties as assigned by the Executive Committee.
Reports to the President.
Is a voting member.
Term: First term two (2) years, following term one (1) year.


Oversees social media .
Responsible for the purchase and distribution of promotional items.
Fun Day - point of contact for vendors wanting to attend Fun Day
Buying all supplies for Fun Day (hot dogs, buns, juice, supplies)
Advertising - help with advertising ( Facebook, Insta )
Carries out other duties as assigned by the Executive Committee.
Reports to the President.
Is a voting member.
Term: First term two (2) years, following term one (1) year.

Evaluation Directors

Attends RVLA Board meetings.
Coordinates with Executive Director regarding scheduling of floor time and as well with Division Coordinators.
Obtains volunteer lists from Executive Director and keeps track of volunteering together with the Division Coordinators and provides to Executive Director.
Attends all evaluations and collects scoring at the end of each group.
Imputs data
Works with division directors to make the teams.
Reports to the Vice President.
Is a voting member.
Term: First term two (2) years, following term one (1) year.
Director of Junior Programs
Responsible for the overall development of the junior box lacrosse program, this includes: recruitment of players and development of the program.
Acts as the liaison between RVLA and the Silvertips
Attending meetings as required.
Reports to the Vice President.
Is a voting member.
Term: First term two (2) years, following term one (1) year.

Division Directors

Attends necessary Division Coordinator Meetings
Coordinates with Evaluation Director and overseas “A” Tryouts (Peewee, Bantam & Midget) and the evaluations of their players following the appropriate evaluation Policies and Procedures
Answers any questions, issues or problems raised by parents, coaches or others and brings them to the Board if necessary.
Provide appropriate information to your team/coaches.
Assists with the planning and implementing of “Fun Day”
Participates in on floor coaching sessions to help develop future coaches
Help with recruitment of players and development of the overall division
Report to the Vice President.
Is a voting member
Term: First term (1) year, following term one (1) year.

Upcoming Events

Feb. 23, 2025 11:00 AM to 1:00 PM

Cochrane Try It Session
Spray Lakes - Turf
If you're wanting to try the great sport of lacrosse, please join us for one of our 3 FREE Try It Sessions. Airdrie - Jan 12, ...

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Mar. 05, 2025

Evaluations Begin
Our evaluation process begins March 5, 2025. Stay tuned for more details.

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Mar. 22, 2025

ROUGHNECKS 50/50 Night - March 22
Calgary Saddledome
RVLA's Roughnecks 50/50 seller night is March 22. If you're interested in volunteering for this wonderful event, please select ...

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